Bibliography on Philosophy of Cosmology



※ M. Colyvan, J. L.Garfield, and G.Priest. “Problems with the Argument from Fine Tuning.”Synthese145.3: 325–338, 2005.

※ I. Hacking, “The Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy: The Argument from Design. The Anthropic Principle Applied to Wheeler Universes.”Mind 96.383: 331–340, 1987.

※ C.J Hogan, “Why the Universe Is Just So.”Reviews of Modern Physics 72.4 (2000): 1149.

※ C. Juhl “Fine-Tuning, Many Worlds, and the Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy.”Nous 39.2: 337–347, 205.

※ J. Leslie, Universes. New York: Routledge, 1989.

※ N.A Mason, ed. God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science.New York:Routledge, 2003. 

※ J.D Norton, “Cosmic Confusions: Not Supporting versus Supporting Not.”Philosophy of Science 77.4: 501–523, 2010.

※ D. Parfit, “Why Anything? Why This?”The London Review of Books 20.2 (1998): 24–27.

※ E. Sober, “The Design Argument.”In The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Religion.Edited by W. Mann, 117–147. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

※ R. White, “Fine-Tuning and Multiple Universes.”Nous 34.2: 260-276, 2000.

Anthropic Reasoning

※ J.D. Barrow, and F.J. Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.

※ N. Bostrom, Anthropic Bias: Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy. New York: Routledge, 2002.

※ C. Dorr, and F. Arntzenius. “Self-Locating Priors and Cosmological Measures.”In The Philosophy of Cosmology. Edited by K.Chamcham, J. Silk, J.D. Barrow, and S. Saunders. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

※ J. Earman, “The SAP Also Rises: A Critical Examination of the Anthropic Principle.”American Philosophical Quarterly 24.4: 307–317, 1987.

※ A. Elga, “Self-Locating Belief and the Sleeping Beauty Problem.”Analysis 60.266: 143–147, 2000.

※ B. Freivogel,“Making Predictions in the Multiverse.”Classical and Quantum Gravity 28.20: 204007, 2011.

※ J.B Hartle, and M.Srednicki. “Are We Typical?”Physical Review D75.12 (2007): 123523, 2007.

※ E. McMullin, “Indifference Principle and Anthropic Principle in Cosmology.”Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 24.3: 359–389, 1993.

※ R.M. Neal, “Puzzles of Anthropic Reasoning Resolved Using Full Non-indexical Conditioning.”arXiv preprint math/0608592, 2006.

※ S. Roush, “Copernicus, Kant, and the Anthropic Cosmological Principles.”Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics34.1: 5–35, 2003. 

※ S. Weinberg, “Living in the Multiverse.”In Universe or Multiverse? Edited by B. Carr, 29–42. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.


※ G.F.R. Ellis,“The Domain of Cosmology and the Testing of Cosmological Theories.” In The Philosophy of Cosmology. Edited by K. Chamcham, J. Silk, J.D. Barrow, and S. Saunders. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

※ G.F.R. Ellis, S. D. Nel, R. Maartens, W. R. Stoeger, and A.P. Whitman.“Ideal Observational Cosmology.”Physics Reports 124: 315–417, 1985.

※ D. Merritt, “Cosmology and Convention.”Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 57: 41–52, 2017.

※ J.D. Norton, “The Determination of Theory by Evidence: The Case for Quantum Discontinuity, 1900–1915.”Synthese97.1: 1–31, 1993.

※ G.E. Smith, “Closing the Loop.”In Newton and Empiricism. Edited by Z. Bienerand E. Schliesser, 31–70. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

※ P.K. Stanford, Exceeding Our Grasp: Science, History, and the Problem of Unconceived Alternatives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

※ H. Zinkernagel, “Cosmology, Particles, and the Unity of Science.”Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33.3: 493–516, 2002.

Cosmological Simulations

※ M. Boylan-Kolchin,V. Springel, S.D. White, A. Jenkins, and G. Lemson. “Resolving Cosmic Structure Formation with the Millennium-II Simulation.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 398.3: 1150–1164, 2019.

※ A. Brooks,“Re-examining Astrophysical Constraints on the Dark Matter Model.”Annalen der Physic 526.7–8: 294–308, 2014.

※ J.S. Bullock, and M. Boylan-Kolchin. “Small-Scale Challenges to the ΛCDM Paradigm.”Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics55.1: 343–387, 2017.

※ M. Kuhlen, M.Vogelsberger, and R. Angulo. “Numerical Simulations of the Dark Universe: State of the Art and the Next Decade.”Physics of the Dark Universe 1.1–2 (2012): 50–93.

※ W.S. Parker,“Does Matter Really Matter? Computer Simulations, Experiments, and Materiality.”Synthese 169.3: 483–496, 2009.

※ W.S. Parker,“Franklin, Holmes, and the Epistemology of Computer Simulation.”International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22.2: 165–183, 2008.

※ M. Vogelsberger, S. Genel, V. Springel, et al.“Introducing the Illustris Project: Simulating the Coevolution of Dark and Visible Matter in the Universe.”Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444.2: 1518–1547, 2014.

※ D.H. Weinberg, J.S. Bullock, F. Governato, R. Kuzio de Naray, and A.H.G. Peter. “Cold Dark Matter: Controversies on Small Scales.”Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112.40: 12249–12255, 2015.

※ M. Weisberg, Simulation and Similarity: Using Models to Understand the World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

※ E. Winsberg, Science in the Age of Computer Simulation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010.