
Publications List



Smeenk, C. “Inflation, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy,” (with Malcolm Longair), forthcoming in Oxford Handbook of the History of Modern Cosmology.

“Some Philosophical Prehistory of the Earman-Norton Hole Argument,” invited for inclusion in a special issue of Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics on the philosophy of Howard Stein, E. Curiel, T. Pashby, and J. Weatherall, eds. Preprint.

Weatherall, J. “On Representational Redundancy, Surplus Structure, and the Hole Argument”, with Clara Bradley. Preprint.

Weatherall, J. “Why Not Categorical Equivalence?” Forthcoming in Hajnal Andreka and Istvan Nemeti on Unity of Science, J. Madarasz and G. Szekeley, eds. Preprint.

Koberinski, A. “Problems with the cosmological constant problem, forthcoming in Philosophy Beyond Spacetime, Oxford University Press. Preprint.”